
Rhode Island is known for many small neighborhoods and beach communities along the coast, such as Quonochontaug ("Quonnie"), Watch Hill, Weekapaug, Shady Harbor, Shelter Harbor and more. Search for rentals in these communities by clicking your preferred community below.

Central Beach - Quonnie

Central Beach - Quonnie

Central Beach in Quonnie, located in the town of Charlestown.
East Beach - Quonnie

East Beach - Quonnie

East Beach in Quonnie, located in the town of Charlestown.
West Beach - Quonnie

West Beach - Quonnie

West Beach in Quonnie, located in the town of Charlestown.
Charlestown/Blue Shutters Beach

Charlestown/Blue Shutters Beach

Blue Shutters Beach and Charlestown Beach, located in the town of Charlestown.
Shady/Shelter Harbors - Haversham

Shady/Shelter Harbors - Haversham

Shady Harbor, located in the town of Charlestown, as well as Shelter Harbor and Haversham, both located in the town of Westerly.
Watch Hill - Westerly

Watch Hill - Westerly

Watch Hill, located in the town of Westerly.
Weekapaug - Westerly

Weekapaug - Westerly

Weekapaug, located in the town of Westerly.